Frequently asked questions
What is the lake stoked with?
Common and Mirror carp to 34lbs from Mark Simmonds at Heather fisheries and Viv Shears at VS Fisheries:
The lake was stocked at first with fingerlings in1995 but after draining the lake and sorting the fish it was decided to have a lower stocking rate of high growth potential fish from the best fish breeders, with the aim of creating a specimen water
Tench were also introduced and these are nearly up to 8 lbs now
What are the facilities?
At Penpol, we have a toilet and washroom at the lake with mains water.
Three fishing cabins with their own bed and chair that are free for anglers to use at any time for overnight fishing. Ample parking at the lake. An electrified otter fence surrounds the main lake and stock lake.
Bio security and fishing equipment
The lake is equipped with its own weigh slings and weighing tripods, but fishermen bring their own weigh scales.
Carp cradles for safe handling of fish and landing mats and nets are also provided.Fishermen must not bring these items to the lake for biosecurity reasons.
Syndicate membership
The lake membership is limited to 25 active members and we currently have a few available spaces. Once these spaces are taken, a waiting list operates. Viewing the lake is strictly by appointment only, with Paul or Micky.
Cost of joining
Currently an annual fee of £260 . The year normally runs from 1st of April, but because this year with lockdown, the year is slightly shorter, hence the reduced joining fee.
Work parties
We currently run two work parties a year and members are expected to attend at least one or these.
How to book fishing?
Phone or text Paul Twigg and he will put your booking on the website calendar in the members section of the website.
Are dogs allowed at the lake?
No dogs are allowed, because we are a working farm with livestock.
